Moving into a different home is never easy, but sometimes it has its benefits, especially if you do it more than once. Up until I was around thirteen years old, I lived in the country surrounded by creeks, woods, and cornfields. Then out of nowhere my mom and dad split up and I was forced to move out of a house I knew every inch of, and into my grandma and grandpa's former trailer house that I had visited quite often.
Moving into a house that I was familiar with made the move easier, but it was still a big change to me. My old house was built by my dad, who is a skilled and knowledgeable carpenter. Compared to my old house, this trailer was tiny. We also did not have much land that we owned to run around on. On the plus side, the surroundings were almost the same. I was still surrounded by cornfields and woods, but instead of creeks, it was the Mississippi River and train tracks, where trains would pass by often. I lived in the trailer house for a couple of years with my mom and sister until we found a large and beautiful house in the town of Cassville.
As a growing teenager, I am always hungry. Luckily for me, our new house is very close to Okey’s Market In Cassville. Whenever I am hungry and no food in the house interests me, I can always run to Okey's Market and buy something to eat. Being so close to a grocery store definitely makes living in Cassville a lot better. Things have not changed in a sense because the Mississippi River and trains are still present where my new home is.
During my time moving into different homes, I attended Potosi for schooling, and when I moved to Cassville, my mom open-enrolled me so that I could still play sports and go to school at Potosi. It is a disadvantage not living close to my childhood friends, but luckily I do have a vehicle to travel with to hang out with my friends. I also have made good friends with Cassville students through my time playing sports at Potosi, because most Potosi sports are combined with Cassville sports.
When you move into a new home everything may change, but some things stay the same. The surroundings may change or even the size of the house, but it is up to you to make the most of it and see the bright side of every situation. Sure, I would have loved to stay in my original home, but looking back at it now, I could not imagine it happening any other way.