Picture a world where everyone’s faces are being covered by masks. You can never tell who people are, if they are laughing, or crying, or if they are infected with the coronavirus. This is the world many of us including students are living in right now.
The coronavirus is affecting numerous people. It has cancelled events like funerals and weddings, made people extremely sick, some even die, and also it has been cancelling sporting events. The coronavirus has affected teachers at Potosi High School in many ways. For instance, if we get shut down, they will have to teach online, and also the virus is forcing them to teach and communicate with students while wearing the masks. Teachers trying to teach while wearing the mandated masks have found it to be difficult, and some do not like it. Mrs. Hampton, who is a special education assistant, stated, “I think that masks help people be safe from COVID . But I feel like they do not work, because COVID keeps spiking in numbers.” Mrs. Hampton also stated, “I feel that wearing a mask in school does not help because some students do not wear masks properly, so it defeats the purpose. In order for the masks to work, everyone needs to do their part to keep everyone safe around them. Social distance for example, or just wear your mask.”
All students and teachers in the school are required to wear a mask unless they are eating or outside. There are several safety issues with wearing masks, like are they keeping us safe from the coronavirus? Some wonder if it is safe to not be able to see the faces of many adults and students. Mrs. Hampton made this statement about the safety of masks and if she feels like the masks are keeping people from getting the virus: “I do not think people are safe with COVID and wearing masks because I do not think they work because not everyone wears them properly. COVID is also spread from service to service; in other words if someone has COVID and they do not know it, they touch a door handle, then I touch it. Then I proceed to touch my face now I have corona.”
There is also the consideration of fashion; facemasks are not very glamorous. Mr. Fry commented, “I personally chose masks to fit my personality and interests. I came into the year knowing I had to wear a mask, so I chose to get some masks that I would like to wear because I would have to wear masks all year.” There are all different types of masks you can get as well. There are some funny ones, and also some that are comfortable. Mrs. Hampton states; “I like the different designs because they can match your outfit. I also like how different designs can match your personality, and also be funny at the same time. There is one mask in particular that I have seen that says: If you can read this mask, then you are not six feet away.”
The CDC also recommends that you wash your masks and make sure you do not wear the same one everyday.
In the midst of this pandemic, and also as we are going into round two, there are some people who are taking this pandemic and trying to find a way to get by. Whether it be by looking at funny masks, or just abiding by the masks laws. We need our country to go back to the way it was, and in order to do that, we have to continue to take the proper safety measures, including wearing our masks.