Located in the rural town of Dickeyville, WI is a small tea shop owned and operated by Abbey Weigel. The Local is a place that offers healthy teas and shakes that you will love. They also offer a variety of protein balls and donuts. I interviewed the owner Abbey and asked her what it was like running a small business in a small town. The Local is located across the street from the Grotto, and driving by, you will see the big green flag that waves in the wind. I asked her what it was like to start her own small business, and she liked that she has time and freedom while still running a business. Weigel wanted the ability to be a mom, but also have a career at the same time. 

Weigel expressed that it was very challenging to run a small business in such a small town. Dickeyville only has a population of about 1,000 people, so she has to work very hard to get the customer base she does. She loves to try new ideas, such as incorporating new menu items to keep customers excited and coming back. She stated that the more she incorporates new items on the menu more regularly, the fewer setbacks she has. 

She also stated that weather plays a huge part in her business being successful so she will do deliveries on bad weather days so customers don't have to miss out. “Consistency with the business, such as the same work staff and the open flag outside, helps customers want to stop in.”

Over the almost three years since opening, Weigel has built relationships with her customers. She feels as if this helps her navigate her personal life because she feels like she gets to have a personal life while she is at work. Beyond work, Weigel schedules herself limited hours, so she can fit her personal schedule and home life. Her plans for the future are for her business to keep growing and to gain more customers.